New Stuff! |
Note: My dogs and I have retired from the exciting field of
basset-hound reproduction. Don't bother mailing me, asking when the next
litter's due - there's not going to be one.
Enjoy the pictures.
John Bradley
May 2006
A Clarification:
I am not "selling puppies over the
Internet", a practice I personally find abhorent. I am merely
displaying my puppy photos. Please don't ask me to "mail you
puppy" to California or some such, because it's not going to
happen. Anyone who actually wants one of these semi-delightful
critters is obligated to come to my house (in 'beautiful' Bryn Mawr,
PA) and interact with the puppies (and me) personally. Thank
you. |
March 28 2004 |
puppies have been placed. |
March 17
2004 |
puppies, born Jan 24th. They're seven weeks old, and ready to
answer your basset-puppy-having needs.
Photos |
one of my pups? Got any photos you'd like to share with the world? Want your dog
to have his/her own web page like the ones listed to the right? Please mail me your
photos - I'll be happy to return them after I've scanned them. Got any personal web
sites you'd like me to link to? No problem! |
Why a Basset Hound?
A fine question. No doubt you have your own thoughts on the breed, and by
harnessing the tremendous time-wasting power of the Internet, I'm sure that you can find
dozens of other people's opinions on the subject. But you're here now, so
you get my opinions - free of charge!
They're Wonderful Companions
I've interacted with many different breeds, and I've never met a breed more dependent
on human interaction for their happiness. My beasties follow me around the house,
and simply won't wander off on their own. On the whole this is a good thing; a dog
that's not in visible sight is probably a dog that's up to something. And
unlike some of the other people-oriented dogs, bassets are relatively low-energy.
They seem quite content to follow you to wherever you're going, and then once it looks
like you're going to stay put, they'll just go to sleep. Probably on
top of you.
They're Good Natured
They only look sad - in reality, they're quite cheerful. (Inasmuch as
it's possible to tell how 'cheerful' a dog is.) They really like humans.
All humans. They can be remarkably tolerant of even the most ill-mannered
small children.
Bassets do not make good guard dogs, as the biggest threat they're likely to present to
a would-be robber takes the form of "something to trip over". However,
bassets may well make fine watch dogs. Certainly no one is getting in the
house without the dogs noisily announcing the presence of a new potential playmate.
They're Medium-Sized
They combine these handy features of small dogs:
- They don't eat that much, so not that much comes out the other end.
- You don't have to worry about them stealing the baked ham off the table.
- When you're sitting down, the dog is still below you, where it belongs. This cannot be
said for your tall dogs, and as a general rule of thumb, you never want a dog's butt above
your head, or even at eye level.
- As the body of the dog is at foot-level, it's much easier to 'nudge' the dog in the
direction you'd like it to go.
With these cutting-edge big-dog design factors:
- They aren't yappy little fur-balls.
- They tend toward the sedate end of the doggy spectrum....eventually!
- Large (and 'doggy') enough that guys can walk them without feeling foolish.
Yes, but what about your dogs?
Chumly Bob Dawg. Born October 8, 1994.
He's the excitable one of the pair, just bursting with goofy lovable basset
personality. Of course, this often makes him a great big pain in the a--, but it's a
tradeoff, y'know! |
Samantha A'Pooch. Born April 14, 1995.
She's the quiet type. Very calm. She's also quite possibly as dense as a bag
of hammers; it's hard to tell whether a basset is stupid, or merely obstinate. In
any event, she's completely pleasant to be around, and she makes a fine 'cuddly
teddy-bear' (or pillow), for what that's worth. |
Don't tell me you actually breed them!
Well yes, I do. Actually, they breed themselves, but in any event...
Litter #1 |
Born: November 12, 1996 |
1 M |
3 F |
Litter #2 |
Born: July 21, 1997 |
7 M |
2 F |
Litter #3 |
Born: November 15, 1998 |
6 M |
4 F |
Litter #4 |
Born: July 9, 1999 |
5 M |
4 F |
Litter #5 |
Born: March 8, 2000 |
7 M |
2 F |
Litter #6 |
Born: October 30, 2000 |
5 M |
3 F |
Litter #7 |
Born: June 26, 2001 |
5 M |
1 F |
Litter #8 |
Born: February 14, 2002 |
3 M |
2 F |
Litter #9 |
Born: October 5, 2002 |
1 M |
1 F |
Litter #10 |
Born: June 11, 2003 |
1 M |
- |
Litter #11 |
Born: January 24, 2004 |
1 M |
1 F |
Okay, who wants to see some dog pictures?
While I have them organized by dog (click on either dog's head), and by litter number,
I also have one big honkin' page of all the doggy pics on this
website. Enjoy!
You can contact me via email if you'd like, or via
regular mail at:
John Bradley
1053 Floyd Terrace
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 |