"What's this?!? A new puppy? Why wasn't
I consulted?" Samantha, at 6 weeks. |
At 2.5 months, she's taken a notice to the
photographer. |
And decided she doesn't like him! |
Important to hold the ears down - you never
know when there'll be a sudden gust of wind. |
Three months. |
"I'm in no mood!" |
Four months. |
One year, and doing her killer
bunny-rabbit impersonation. |
As I said elsewhere, she makes a fine pillow. And yes,
I keep a floor jack on my bed. Don't you? |
One and a half years old. |
Sammy, 2 years old. |
"Aww man! Who farted?" |
"Listen bub, y'ever hear that old line about
'letting sleeping dogs lie?!?'" |
It's not that I set out to wake the dogs up
so I can take these pictures. It's just that they're invariably asleep! |
Art Shot: "Basset by
Candlelight" |
"Yo Ace, do you think it'd be asking
too much for you to run the frickin' vacuum cleaner now and then? Some of us gotta
sleep down here, y'know!" |
Part of the fun of bassets is their general
willingness to be put into stupid poses. |
"Yeah, I know, 'big as a house'..."
A very pregnant Sammy, right before her third litter. |
Christmas 1999: "Great... antlers.
What's next - a glowing red nose?" |
Tasteful semi-pro portrait. |
And another. |
And she has such a lovely singing voice! |
Silently, the great white huntress stalks her prey... |